Ever wonder what makes a great game?

We have.

And we've created a new kind of game, based on a single deck of playing cards.

So what make a game great?

• Something totally new and unique.

• Simplicity in design.

• Aesthetically pleasing design.

• Relatability and familiarity.

• No bulky boards or game pieces.

• Easy to quickly understand.

• Easy to learn and to play, in just minutes.

• Great for low-budget or no-budget gaming.

• Fun to play.

• Suspense and surprising unexpected wins.

• Requires very little time or as much time as you please.

• A socially fun game to play almost anywhere, any time.

• Easy to create your own games.

Our new decks are currently in production, and we will reveal them, right here on this website soon. (Estimate: December 2023 or January 2024)

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